Snip-Single line snippet manager

Achuth hadnoor
2 min readJan 2, 2019


After launching Snipper i spent a lot of time experimenting new frameworks and new app ideas . I have learned people using snipper really wanted something to store bash commands that can can easyly be stored and saved.

So, i started building Snip an app that helps you store and share single line snippets/commands beautifully .

let me explain how the app is divided into.

Home screen

Home Screen:

In this screen you can easily drag snippet items based on priority.

when you hover on each item you get option icons to do quick actions like copy, delete,share.

Add Screen:

IN this screen you are given simple input fields to directly edit the snippet

Settings Screen:

In this screen you have options to export your snippets as .json file or import from a .json file. And also clear snippets on one click.


Now the landing page design .

The design is minimal and expresses a lot by helping you try the app live befor you actually download and use it .

try now

Features Page

here you get all the features listed

Comming soon

Option to add keyboard shortcuts to copy code quickly



Achuth hadnoor

On my way to be an indie developer, creator creating a focus on better living.