Build flutter as a Designer!

Achuth hadnoor
2 min readJul 3, 2019


Hey y’all,
Are you a designer then creating a full scaled IOS/Android app is easy in flutter. In this course you will be learning how to create a complete production ready app in flutter!

Introduction to flutter

Flutter is Google’s portable UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively-compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

I will keep this series simple and flutter website explains much stuff so..


Flutter SDK is available for download in Mac Os, Windows and Linux.

Editor setup

Flutter can be developed using any of your favorite text editor like (Android Studio,VS code ,Visual studio ,ATOM and so on..).
In this we will setup in VS code.

plugins installation

First you need to install VS code
On the left sidebar go to extensions>search for (flutter) click on Install
Then search for dart plugin and click on install

Invoke View > Command Palette….
1. Type “doctor”, and select the Flutter: Run Flutter Doctor.
2. Review the output in the OUTPUT pane for any issues.

Dart is the programming language we will be using to create flutter apps

use shortcut ctrl+shift+p to invokeq command palette where you can type quick commands to trigger flutter .
invoke command Flutter create from command palette to create a new flutter project.

You need to also install Android SDK to compile the app to run on device .

Connecting a device

Flutter helps you run your apps both on emulator or on real device

Continued in next article .



Achuth hadnoor
Achuth hadnoor

Written by Achuth hadnoor

On my way to be an indie developer, creator creating a focus on better living.

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